Friday, January 1, 2010

Lingayen Town Fiesta

Today Lingayen celebrates thier town fiesta, Lingayen Town Fiesta celebrates starts at January 1 to 5. There are lots of contest going on in Lingayen Town Fiesta, Barangay Nights, SK Nights, Balikbayan Nights, Professional Nights and most of all the Beauty Contest which is Search for Miss Lingayen. Every Town and Cities in the Philippines has their own Fiesta even barangay. Different Day, Month and Fiest to celebrate. Lingayen is located at northern luzon also Lingayen is the Capitol of Pangasinan, a beautiful town of Pangasinan and also near in Hundred Islands. If you want to visit Lingayen you must visit their Capitol and Town Proper. Lingayen is also known in their product of Bagoong it means Fish Souce, there are different of Fish souce. See you There!